Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As today's students have grown up in a world surrounded by technology they have become very competent users of computers, mobile phones, video games and digital music players (Prensky, 2001), just to name a few. For this reason it does not surprise me that they may wish t0 partake in online quizzes.

Online tests can provide students with a fast and engaging way to check their learning. Prensky (2001) states Digital Natives "thrive on instant gratification". Online tests can cater for this need. Educators can develop tests that are targeted towards a specific topic and students are able to take the test and be notified immediately their results. Depending on the settings students can check where they went wrong and try again.

The following link will take you to a quiz I developed for a prep class. Please note the cohort of students have just completed a lesson on pet animals and discussed the home environments each pet would live. These students are only beginning to read and identify words with out picture cues. The have also had very little exposure with working on computers. Let me know what you think, I value your feedback.

Prensky, M., (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from:,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

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